How to Fix Netflix Error N8002: Guide

Netflix Error N8002 error you’re seeing is related to the Silverlight plug-in, which Netflix uses to play TV shows and movies on your computer. This error is usually caused by one of three things: A setting is preventing Silverlight from storing files it uses play your TV show or movie, an issue with the Silverlight plug-in itself, or an issue with the content you’re trying to play. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

Use an alternate browser

Try another browser that you are not currently using such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Microsoft edge.

Troubleshoot your browser

Try navigating to and following the steps here.

Restart your computer

If the above fail to fix your issue please try restarting your computer.


Hopefully this article has resolved your issues with Netflix Error N8002 in your client or app and you won’t be experiencing Netflix Error N8002 anymore. If you are looking to improve your smart home check out our other articles!

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