How Long Do Hue Bulbs Last? Your Guide to Get the Most Out of Your Smart Lights

Ever since Thomas Edison brought incandescent light bulbs to the world, it has become a brighter place to live. Back in the 1880s, light bulbs would last up to 1,200 hours. Over a century later, lighting companies continue to perfect the incandescent bulb to its bright potential. Industry leader Phillips is chief among these companies. Their hue bulb lasts a very long time at 15,000 hours or about 15 years. Compared to the rest of the competition, Philips smart bulbs save you hours of electricity. They last much longer than traditional incandescent bulbs and a regular light bulb. But is it worth the money?

Are Hue Bulbs Worth it?

Phillips hue bulbs are worth the price. These led bulbs are small and convenient to carry around. Philips bulbs are very accessible, making them easy for beginners to understand how to use within hours. Philips bulbs also have use for your smart home.

Smart Home Usage

These LED A19 bulbs have voice control, so you order Alexa to turn on the switch light in a dark room. You can also use a Google app on any device to operate from your smart home. A single Philips hue bulb saves you hours of power, which gives you a better usage than typical incandescent bulbs. As a result, your smart home works very well with a Philips hue bulb. The white and color ambiance gives your home a good look., but what does color ambiance mean, especially in regards to a Philips hue?

White and Color Ambiance

Philips hue bulbs also offer a bright light inside your home. The three-color ranges are white, white ambiance, and white and color ambiance. The hue white color ambiance gives your home a warm, soft light similar to daylight sun. The distinctive Philip hues light saves you energy and provides a natural hue white and color ambiance. Light has never been more bright with hue lighting, especially in comparison to regular light bulbs.

Lifetime Usage

These are essential factors to consider when you buy a light bulb, especially from Philips. However, you may ask yourself how long do hue lights last? That is a good question since if your hue bulb can last a long time, it saves energy per day. A long lifespan in hue bulbs is required in a Philips smart home, but do hue bulbs burn out? How long until the hue bulb burns out is a good question that needs the right answer.

How Long Do Philips Hue Lights Last?

As said before, Philips hues can last at least 15,000 hours. That’s right, 15,000 hours of light is a long time for a hue bulb, let alone from Philips. Each bulb uses less than 80% energy of a regular incandescent bulb. Philips hue bulbs last an average of 625 days, which is about two years. However, there are models of Philips hue bulbs that last even longer than 15,000 hours.

25,000 Hours

Philips hue bulbs normally last 15,000 hours, but there are better versions of these bulbs that go up to 25,000 hours, at an extra cost. These hue bulbs last about 1041 days, or almost three years. If you leave it on, these bulbs last a long time with its variations in color ambiance. A single hue white bulb gives you a lifetime warranty as a result.

Phillips Light Bulbs Last Longer than Other Light Bulbs

For reference, an average incandescent bulb lasts about 1500-3000 hours. Philips light bulbs last more than three times as long as 15,000 hours. You save money as a result. Philips hue bulbs can last, but what about in realistic terms? After all, bulbs are not on 24/7 hours a day. In actuality, Philips hue bulbs last even longer with proper care.

How Long Till Hue Lights Burn Out?

It takes a long time for Philips hue bulbs to burn out. Within reasonable use, a Philips light bulb should get usage for up to six to fifteen years. Older generations of Philips bulbs do not last as long as newer generations, but they are still reliable for your everyday light needs. Do hue lights burn out? They do, but if you save energy on electricity usage, Philips bulbs may not burn out anytime soon. What about LED light bulbs, you may ask. How long does such a light last?

How Long Do Smart Bulbs Last?

LED lights traditionally last up to 50,000 hours, fifty times as much as regular incandescent light bulbs. It takes eleven years for you to use these bulbs. That is due to the way LED light generates from the bulb. In addition to a long lifespan, there are other advantages of Philips bulbs. Wondering how long your Philips light strip will last? Click here to find out.

Advantages of Smart Bulbs or LED Light Bulbs

An LED Philips hue bulb has many advantages. One of these advantages is the coolness when you compare the Philips bulb to a regular incandescent bulb. It gives a feeling of relaxation and warm comfort as a result, but there are other factors to consider if you buy Philips LED bulbs.

Environmental Safety

Energy efficiency allows Philips bulbs to consume energy at a lower rate, which prolongs the bulb’s power. The Philips hue bulbs are also environmentally safe to use, especially the hues lights they give. Philips LED bulbs also give less emission of greenhouse gas. They are 30 times lower than a regular light bulb, for example. Most environmentalists agree smart LED bulbs are an acceptable source of light, especially with the Philips hue. Directional lighting also reduces the energy consumption of the bulb by hours.

LED Color Render

CRI measures the ability of light to showcase the color of objects. With an LED Philips hue bulb, they have a high CRI rating, so their hue white light is perfect for outside areas at night. With more colors to process, the bulb captures the more visible color, similar to light in the day. Not only is the color range more prominent than regular light bulbs, but the Philips hue bulb also should not fade. It can, again, stay the same color for hours and may do so until it burns out.

Other Advantages

Philips hue bulbs use smart lighting, which gives it exceptional brightness and intensity. They can operate in cold temperatures, and the light provides low radiated heat. Philips hue bulbs are durable and resist impact better than standard light bulbs. With all the advantages in mind, you have a bulb in your house that provides hours of hue white illumination. However, there is a price to consider.

Price Range of Phillips Hue Bulbs

You may look at the average cost of Philips hue bulbs and realize they are higher than ordinary light bulbs. For example, regular light bulbs cost as little as a few dollars, while incandescent bulbs cost $10. A Philips hue costs upwards of $12.99 for a regular one and $25.00 for an LED set. Most cost around $50.00, however. Some more extensive bulbs cost hundreds of dollars. Now, why is it expensive? There are reasons for the price discrepancy of a Philips hue.

Why Are Philips Hue Bulbs So Expensive?

You should be able to justify a purchase of a Philips hue completely. After all, it would help if you had a bulb that gives you hours of light within your home at a fair cost. While Philips is expensive, these light bulbs have benefits. First and foremost, Philips hue light bulbs have several advantages over the competition.

They Last Longer

It is the most obvious example. Philips hue light bulbs give you several hours worth of incandescent lighting. It may last several years of your life with proper usage. 15,000-25,000 hours of this smart bulb gives you energy efficiency per year, but there is more to it than that. There are also the components of a Philips hue and what goes into the bulb.

The Materials of a Philips Hue

With hours of craftsmanship, a Phillips bulb contains a Zigbee chip, which allows control via a Hue Bridge. It is especially useful for using it in smart homes. There is also a Bluetooth chip to control the bulb. Each Philips hues has LED, as well as RGB-CCT that gives it a superior color range.


Philips bulbs also have several improvements over regular bulbs. Due to the RGB LED design, they have a cool white color and a warm white color. It gives the bulb more color visibility. Regular bulbs have two fewer LEDs than the Philips hues, so they do not emit as much light color. These last hours and remain the same color throughout.


Philips has a three-year warranty on their bulbs. It allows you a 25,000-hour rate for your lighting. They can also repair and fix a product within that time. You only need to contact their number, and a service representative is there to assist you. The components themselves are of high quality, so it justifies the market price.

How to Save Money

There are ways to save money when you buy a Philips product. For example, you can purchase starter kits that contain multiple lights. These have easy installation and a Hue Bridge. You can save money if you buy in a set as opposed to individual ones. Most starter kits have A19 LED bulbs, which are industry standard. It is better to buy now if you have the money rather than spend it over time in the same amount. Either way, you have the Philips guarantee of quality assurance, state-of-the-art light technology, and personal commitment.

In Conclusion

Philips is a brand you can trust, with high customer satisfaction. Their bulbs are rated highly among consumers for several hours of usage, ecological friendliness, and excellent color range. Philips continues to be an industry leader among efficient lighting. They have several years of professional experience to provide you the expert care you and your home deserves. If you need to light up your home, you are in good hands with Philips. 

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